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Project Name: COLHYBRID – Innovative Devices for Bone Regeneration.
Project Code: NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-023345
Main Objective: To strengthen research, technological development and innovation.
Intervention Region: North
Beneficiary Entity: Artur Salgado, S.A.

Approval Date: 14-09-2017
Start Date: 01-12-2017
Conclusion Date: 30-11-2019
Total Eligible Cost: 518.561,00€
European Union Financial Support : ERDF – 368.445,73€

Artur Salgado proposes to study solutions for the treatment of bone tissue injuries, with the aim of creating a support structure for tissue growth.

The objectives of the COLHYBRID project are:

  • Developing alternative solutions to existing materials for bone reconstruction;
  • Specification of the technologies of the prototype production process focused on the industrial scale necessary for clinical trials;
  • Evaluation of the maintenance of the therapeutic capacity of the products obtained after scale-up of production;
  • Evaluation of the effect of product quality, scale-up and pre-industrialization of the prototype production process;
  • Investigation of the mechanism of action of the guided bone regeneration products;
  • Testing under pre-clinical test conditions to validate the results previously obtained in vitro as well as in vivo.

 Activities to be performed:

  1. Technical specifications;
  2. Design/ Development;
  3. Prototypes evaluation and optimization;
  4. Documentation elaboration;
  5. Promotion and Dissemination of results;
  6. Technical Management of the Project.
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